
GPCR Opsin

Several class-A G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) proteins act as constitutive phospholipid scramblases.  Here we combined extensive molecular dynamics simulations with tICA and Markov State Models to unravel how a G Protein-Coupled Receptor flips lipids.

  • Journal article: Mechanisms of Lipid Scrambling by the G Protein-Coupled Receptor Opsin, Giulia Morra, Asghar M. Razavi, Kalpana Pandey, Harel Weinstein, Anant K. Menon, George Khelashvili, Structure 26: 356–367, 2018
  • Poster: Morra G., Razavi A., Pandey K., Weinstein H., & Menon A., Khelashvili G. (2018, February).The GPCR Opsin Translocates Lipids via a Dynamic Mechanism Specified by Markov State Model Analysis of Molecular Dynamics Trajectories. Poster presentation conducted at the meeting of the Biophysical Society, San Francisco, CA.

About the author asgharrazavi

Asghar Razavi is a postdoctoral associate at the Department of Physiology and Biophysics at Weill Cornell Medical College of Cornell University. He received his Ph.D. in Computational Chemistry and Biophysics from Temple University, Philadelphia, USA. His current research at the Weinstein lab focuses on developing molecular level quantitative kinetic models to understand thermodynamics, kinetics, and conformational pathways during function of neurotransmitter transporters and G protein-coupled receptors.

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